Friday, July 8, 2011

Progress so far

So, it's the third week since the classes start. Yesterday night was the first English class. The previous two weeks the English class was cancelled. Anyway, so far, I've entered 2 Maths class, 3 Science class and 1 English class. So the progress....

Maths is definitely the easiest up til now. Progressing pretty fast for some, but some are still quiet slow. =.=" I don't think I know what to do with them. Don't exactly know what their problem are. Some, their problem can be detected - lack of focus. These kind of people you just have to keep on trying to get their attention and they'll be able to progress. For those with unknown problem, T.T I wished I knew what to do.

Science is a harder one. Trying to explain that something is that way because.... it is that way is hard. >.< Sometimes, there are theories that is harder to explain and in science too many things depend solely on memory such as prefixes. In science class another problem quiet obvious among them is that they tend to admit understanding despite not understanding. Then, we keep on asking, "really? understand?" up til the stage that they get annoyed. Then, had to change strategy into questioning them back regarding the thing just taught to gauge how much they actually understand. It's satisfaction when you know that they do understand but when you realise they don't.... It's pure despair.

English class, the first class entered, brings us to another tight spot. Apparently, harder than teaching scientific theories is teaching grammar. How do you explain that although nouns starting with "u" that has the sound "yu" such as "university" we have to use the article "a" but there is an exception when the noun is a country such as "United States of America" which requires the article "the"? In English there are too many rules and exception and some overrule the other. This is one thing hard to explain. Despite being mostly just an onlooker last night, I'm feeling the hardness in teaching English. The coming weeks are gonna be harder when we get deeper into grammar.

That's all regarding student's progress. Now into "my" progress. I'm sad. Until now, I still can't teach a small group of student. Apparently three weeks is not enough to build my confident. I'm still too scared. At most I can teach one-to-one or one-to-two. If there is more, it starts getting out of hand. I'm starting to talk gibberish. Have trouble controlling nervousness. Another problem would be dealing with Chinese student.  There's only one but sometime, when the others are busy with other student, I'll have to attend to this particular student. Major problem, he can't really understand much English or Malay which means I'll have to explain in Chinese. Alien! I have sort of stopped talking in Chinese (specifically Mandarin) for a while, I'm starting to lose grasp. Having trouble explaining, and having to call for help now and again. I guess I'm the one who failed the most if we were graded. Haiz.... XC

Oh well, hope next week is a better week. XD

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