Friday, June 24, 2011

So, emo-ing?

Yo, Earthlings~ I'm back with a little bit of blogging. Yup, just a little bit~ Haha~ I'm not much of a blogger it seems. Anyway~~ Starting Flashback! 5.... 4.... 3.... 2.... 1....

So, that's it. I accepted to help out back in my secondary school. Together with 4 of my friends, I'm to tutor some weak Form 3 students to prepare them for the upcoming public examination. I'm extremely nervous about this. I'm not good at communicating with strangers for one and I'm extremely impatient when it comes to slow people. Ya, and they are considered very weak. How am I to cope with this? I wonder if I can.... Maybe I'll end up exploding to strangers. @.@ That would be very bad.... Instead of helping them, I'll end up making them less interested in study.... Argh, control.... CONTROL! Okay.... It haven't started and I'm already panicking.... Urgh...

Anyway, I can't attend the 1st class because I had things to do. I received news that I'll have to go back to my dad's hometown to pray. Ah... It's already a year. We're going to pay respect to my grandma who passed away a year ago. Can't imagine time passed so quickly. It seems like it was just yesterday she passed away when I was on my way to further my study in USM, hearing the news of her departure in a bus. Now, I'm about to pray for the remembrance of her one year of leaving.

Well, eventful holiday huh? Well, that ain't all. I had this friend. As usual, I'm moody as in hot and cold times and again. And ah... maybe you can guess. I was cold at the time. I say things that can freeze your heart, stopping the flow of the bloody river in your veins. So, depressed my friend got some "advice" from some "expert" friends and their conclusion is... I'm trying to avoid him... huh? avoid??? =.=" Okay, so that's what it got to. Oh, well than, I'm not really in the mood to quarrel so I just say I'm in no mood to reply (It was an sms). I was on the trip back to my dad's hometown at that time see, so I'm really tired and have a headache.

Oh, well, over there, I had no laptop to play with, I'm literally bored to death. Anyway, that was my first time praying the way it was. Having to pour some offering into a bucket and such. I'm so inexperienced. I keep on looking at others and see what they do. Well, that passed really soon. The next day, early in the morning, before 6 we had to travel back again. This time the travel wasn't as smooth as the previous. Around half way from Batu Niah to Miri, our car type punctured. Alien, this is just great! The tyre had burst into a flower! (sorry, no photo, I was too shocked). We tried to change the spare tyre but alas, the jack was too small, we can't life the car high enough to change the tyre. We waited for an hour or so before someone dared to stop and help. The high rate of crime really makes people think twice before stopping and help.

Thanks to the help we can go back home! Yeah! Oh, the second class is tonight. So, I'd be able to see for myself what it is like. So, I reached home at 5.30, should have been able to reach around 4 if not for the tyre. Anyway, I went to the class and there was only 40% of the students coming. Disappointment? I don't know. I don't even know what to do! So I was standing and walking around looking at them do stuff as my friends tried to assist them. =.=" I feel like I'm just there for nothing. I don't even know how to help or anything. Urgh!

Anyway, after that, the internet keep on showing a lot of trouble. The DNS or what-so-ever it is has problem and I haven't been able to go online! Argh! Now that it's resolved. I'd like to say Thank God and that's all from me for this time. Au revoir.

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