Friday, December 24, 2010

1st exam result

At last, the result is out! As expected, 4.00 is beyond reach. Haiz... Anyway... Figured that before. So... see the TL? It means Tidak Lulus i.e. FAIL! believe it or not~ hahahaha~ I'm simply assuming stuff... That course haven't finish actually... So, who knows what TL there means... Hmm... kinda disappointed actually... To think that I didn't get A for both my language courses... They were my best subjects before... (not trying to brag but I can't remember the last time I didn't get A for my language)... Well, surprisingly, I've got an A for WUS 101... o.O!? How is that even possible? Guess it was luck? BOI 103... another disappointment... Maybe I should have done Dr. Venu's question instead... Duh~ It's the past... Whatever happened... happened. Not like I can go back to do it again. As for practical... I didn't expect too much... I didn't do too well anyway... So, guess that mark suits the situation... Hmm... Am I too demanding? Maybe? I'm an Arian-Horse hybrid anyway. Always want more~~ Gallop away~~ tata~

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