Friday, February 4, 2011

Holiday @ Penang

It's Chinese New Year holiday and today is the second day of Chinese New Year i.e. the 7th day of holiday! In two days time, the holiday would be over. NO~~ anyway, I'm already back in the dorm, so it makes not much difference. Oh, ya, I'm not here to complain~ Xp

I'm here to talk about my holiday these few days. so.... Once upon a time, in the busy city of Penang.... Wait! This is not a story telling session, so quit the "once upon a time" part!

Aye aye captain~

Nice~ ... ... ... Wait, who are you?

Me? I be pirate of the Curry Bean~

Oh, ok.... WAIT! What pirate!? I don't have a pirate in my crew! I mean I don't have a crew!!!! Shoo~

Sigh~ rejected again...

Don't mind that pirate... Let's start with the story~~

So, my holiday officially start on the 3rd day of the holiday. It started quite late so there really wasn't any... erm... what would you call that?


Yeah, there wasn't any adventure.... o.O! What ADVENTURE!? You! Didn't I ask you to leave?!

Sigh, I was just trying to help...

Shoo~ I don't need help from you~ Anyway, there wasn't any activities(not adventure) for the day. So, the activities start the very next day!

Lets see, we started our activity by visiting some temples~ First up would be a Thai temple followed by a Burmese temple~ What could I say about them? Hmm... Well, they are temple-like~ lol~ Well, lets allow the photos to explain themselves.

Wat Chaiyamangalaram? Hard to read that out~

Actually, I wanna capture the photo whereby the mini temple(whatever you call that) shines gold under the sun but seems like it failed

A lot of such icons in there

The dragons' heads are tilted too high, can't see their face >.<>

The above are from Thai Temple, next up, burmese temple~

What a manly creature!

If we work together, the workload would be less~ XD

We own the earth. Earthlings, cower below us~

The statue reminds me of Garudamon from Digimon

This one reminds me of airdramon

Next we went to Kek Lok Si Temple~ We got lost on the way there lol~~ Anyway, I'm not so good at talking, so let the photos do the talking again~~

Wow, lot's of lantern~


What do you call these buildings?

Ah, reminds me of my daughter~(not real one obviously, I'm still single XD)

Look at the size of the head!

Then, we went to Teluk Bahang... to have a look at the scenery? We didn't do much there, took a snap of photo, and left...

Beautiful Scenery~

See the Muka Head up there at E? I'm going there at the end of the semester...

We continued to the Butterfly farm next~ Wow, there were lots of butterflies there. There were other animals too. Among them were scorpions, chameleons, those twig/leaf-like insect, horse-shoe crab and others. Oh, there were mandarin ducks too! They are so cute~~

A Butterfly~

Mr. Leaf-like insect... I had one put on me, but I can't take the photo~~

Spider o.O!

Oh, a lot of blue colored insect!

Horse-shoe crabs~ Ancieeeeent....

That's basically it for the 1st day activities.

We went shopping a bit but that's not important.

On to the 2nd day. We went to the Penang Mainland today! We went to the bird park. Not long after we arrived, there was a bird show! nice~ such good timing~~

Various kinds of birds were there but hey, when did a deer become a bird? snake?

Real life Hoot-Hoot from Pokemon(standing with just a foot)

Whatcha looking at?!

Hornbill, a local back in my hometown~

So shy, don't take a photo of me~~

Quack! Why are you so dirty? Dirty!? How rude! That's our natural color!

A limping deer... Photo resolution not good enough, actually the deer lost a limb...

Snake in bird park.... =.="

There were a lot more birds but I didn't take all their photo. Hey, I'm just using a phone to capture their photo, it is hard and the battery runs low easily.

Anyway, more shopping.

3rd day also shopping.

Then I'm back here in USM... Hmm... Is it too boring? I mean my blog. I think I've lost the ability to blog.... wait.... did I ever even had the ability to blog... >.<
oh my...

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