Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Origin Of The Name Jay Ice @ 结冰

Hello again earthlings~
After a long period of hibernation, here I am again. Today I'm gonna tell you where the the name Jay Ice @ 结冰 originates from. For those who is new to this blog, you'd probably not know that the blog was called Blog by Jay Ice @ 结冰 before it was renamed as Frozen Time as it is now. Anyway, why change the name? That... I'll cover in the later part after introducing Jay Ice.

Okay, officially, my nickname is Justin, not Jay Ice. However, not much knows that and almost none refer to me as Justin. How I get the nickname Justin? That isn't important. Haha~ So, I am a dreamer. Erm, specifically saying, I'm among those who never seemed satisfied with his life. So, basically, I lived in fantasy, i.e. I fantasize a lot about another life - a life where things go more to the way I wanted it to. Anyway, when I fantasize, one thing is that I kinda can hear the voices of the characters in the fantasy. So... being the lazy guy that I am, I feels that it is hard to call Justin Justin all the time (I feel that it is long...I know it isn't...I'm just very lazy...the sin chart showed that), so I shorten it in the fantasy so that people call me just by the initial J. An I said earlier, I kinda can hear voices of those in my fantasy, so J sounded like Jay... where the Jay came about.

Okay, long explaination just for Jay. Haha. Ice won't be long. I promise (I frequently break promise... hehe..."evil"). Anyway, Ice... I am a dreamer... Oh, I said that earlier right? I kinda like to drag things around. Even my essays are so. Teachers always say don't beat around the bush but... guess it is just not me if I don't beat around the bush.. *shrug* ..who knows I might find a treasure chest somewhere around the bush, right? *nodding furiously* Wait... Am I beating around the bush again? Hopefully not. So, back to the topic of focus... I used to imagine yet another fantasy world where people can do magic. Then I think, knowing all magic would be too fake (I know, knowing magic in the 1st place is fake) so I made it so that people have their own specific elements and no... you guessed it wrong... I wasn't of ice-element or water-element... Instead... in my desperate pursuit to be a good guy (which the sin chart proved to have failed) I chose to be of light or holy elemental. Oh, did I mention I'm not easily satisfied? Maybe not. Well, I am hardly satisfy with anything. So, light isn't it. I found out I am too sinful to hold light element so I changed... to fire... to suit my extreme wrath... which then I'm not satisfied again and I changed to water due to it's ability to change state which I think is like me... very unpredictable (wait...water stat changing is predictable)... Anyway, not satisfied again, I chose wind... sounds cool to be able to play with the breeze... or maybe not... so what about lightning? zap zap... super speed... then... nah... boring... so basically I changed elements many times... And that is how I got the Ice... Wait... What? I haven't explain why Ice? Sorry, my mistake... Somehow through my secondary school life, I learnt a bit sense of humour which I don't really have before... But my jokes are... cold.... brrr.... So... Ice... nope... That's not how it was... (this is getting very long)... I'm a somesort of crazy gamer... which people tend not to believe before but now they do... so, I play many games... and as usual, to play a game, you need a name for the character (btw, I play a lot of RPG and agventure games... sometime TD... Crime solving and action and...wait... I kinda play every type of games..haha... but mostly RPG and adventure, thus the character name). And what name did I choose? Jay obviously... But then It sounded too short...(wasn't I saying that Justin was long?) In games... names which are short are usually taken up...(MMO) soyou had to have longer and unique name... (hard task)... so... Jay... Jay.. Jay what... Jay Frost! as in Jack Frost... Then...urm... I don't really know chinese in actual... so I like to show off whenever I learn something new... So when I try to convert Jay frost into chinese it somehow become 结结冰...sound so lame... so... I changed to Jay Ice...结冰... haha...I think somehow it is wrong but whatever... my chinese not good... don't laugh k?

As of Frozen Time... I'll discuss that in later post... This is getting long and boring... I know... My posts are lame... T,T


  1. Ice describes part of your personality... Seldom show your real emotion. It's hard to guess what you really are thinking.
