Saturday, July 31, 2010

BioSoc Family Day

Today, I went for the BioSociety's Family Day(a.k.a. Interaction Day). We went to Batu Feringghi and Botanical Garden. It was fun but as usual, I'm very passive. Thus, I'll be seen sitting in a corner doing nothing. Oh, I met my direct senior(who is younger than me). It wasn't the 1st time though, I met her once in front of the Library, but I was in a rush that day(not that I'll syop and say hi if I had the time) and she was busy talking to a friend so we just walked pass through each other. Anyway, we didn't talked much(very not much) as I'm as usual, passive. Haiz... Anyway, while we were at Batu Feringghi, we were divided into groups(that is expectable, it always start like that) and I was in Group 5. Each group have 4 major task to do. 1st, build a sand castle(oh, if you don't know yet, Batu Feringghi is at the seaside). 2nd, participate in a 'sukaneka'(what do you call that in English? it is an activity comprised of many mini games). 3rd, make a group cheer and lastly to name our group. Well, the castle building goes on throughout the whole time while in intervals, whistle will be blown to ask for a certain number of people from each group to go and participate in the mini games. The group cheer and name is of course made while we're building our sand castle.

So, 1st thing 1st. 1st group is called Heliantus(hope I spelt it correctly), 2nd Wakawaka(obviously the World Cup fever hasn't ended), followed by ...(omg, I forget), Boom Boom Pow and lastly our group....guess what...Oh Yeah~. Ok, so we started with our sand castle building. I had a photo of it half done(but no photo of it fully done, sorry, I'm too passive told ya). Well, there was 5 mini games. I joined only the 1st one as I had no choice. There must be two chinese from each group and there were only TWO of us chinese there. We(10 of us) had to tie our legs together by our ankle with only ONE piece of string and walk in zigzag manner over some cones. OMG, it was so hard. We failed as the string broke and some of us(with shorts) had our skin somehow peeled by the string.

Oh, by the way, during the process of building our sand castles, the facilitators will try to destroy it, so we'll have to defend it as well. Anyway, the 2nd mini game was the throwing of water ballons. We're required to cathch the water ballons without breaking them and the one collecting most ballons will win. I don't know who wins. I was busy guarding the castle. The 3rd mini game is the "fashion show". We'll have to make clothes out of news paper on a person. 4th mini game is... Oh, I don't know this one. I wasn't listening. Busy with something else. But I think it is about getting sweets out of a bowl of flours. 5th mini game was to transfer rubber bands using straws. At the same time that the 5th mini game is held, the judging of our castles were done. We had to send a representative to describe our designs.

Then, we have our cheer competition to see which group has the best cheer. It is judged based by creativity, spirit, and teamwork. We all did some great cheers but the funniest ought to be by group 4. Haha. I don't know how to explain. It was just pure funny. Then out came the result. Two and only two groups will qualify to the finals. The group with the highest mark accumulated from all 4 major task was Group 1, Heliantus! Then, there is a problem! There were two groups with the 2nd highest mark. So, they decide that the two groups have to do their cheers again and this time the other groups will judge and see which is better. The two groups are.... Boom Boom Pow of Group 4 and our Group~ Oh Yeah~ and it turned out that.... we won the cheer! Thus, we qualify to the final!

The final is another game. This time, each group will have to send 5 male representatives. Well, guess what? My group had 6 males, so I don't have to join~ Oh Yeah~ Well, the rules of the game: each of the contestant will have a ballon tied on their ankles(I bet you know what's next) and the they will have to break the ballons of the opposing group. After a hard battle, we...we...we...w...WON!!!! We WON! OH YEAH~

Last activity~ make fun of the facilitator. I wasn't interested. It was to use some mixture of sugar water and what paste to make a "make up for the facilitators". Then, it was free time. Those who wanted to play in the sea can do so but to take care of their own safety. Oh, we were also allowed to play the banana boat. It cost RM100 for 7! Anyway, I'm not playing that. I didn't bring any spare clothes to change into. Around 2, we left for Botanical garden.

There wasn't much happening there except near the entrance, there were lots of monkeys. One of the monkey snatched a boy's bread. Then, in there(as it's name imply) was a lot of plants. We walked around on our own and told to return by 5. I walked with a friend. We saw some plants(and I took a photo of lily). Then, we saw a "Japan Garden". We went in and there wasn't much to see. It was kinda disappointing. Anyway, later, we saw a lizard swimming in the river. It was huge! (Guess what? I took a video of it.^^)

Well, that's basically what there was today. It was fun and tiring but if I was more active, it could have been more fun and I could have taken more photos for the blog. Hehe. Still can't get rid of my passiveness. Oh, my skin is now red in color. Wonder if it's gonna turn dark soon. Haiz...

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