Sunday, November 6, 2011


OMG! It's been two months since I posted anything here. Guess that's a very bad thing. Anyway, there are reason for that. Firstly, I'd like to apologies for leaving this blog for so long (although there aren't a lot who reads this blog anyway). Secondly, I was kinda busy with my report and stuff - test, assignments and stuff. Most importantly, I was busy playing games(really sorry about this). I promised myself to find some time to write something once in a while but I guess I broke that promise(shows how much of an untrustworthy person I am). Well, I'm not that much of a promise breaker when it comes to authority. For example when the lecturers give work to be done at a certain time, I'd be obliged to do so. However, this doesn't seem to work when no authority is present. Therefore, I'd like to ask for help from dear readers(if there is any left), please remind me to update my blog. You can do so by leaving a comment on my latest post as this will send a notification to my mail and I usually check my mail sorta like daily. Within this 2 months span, actually a lot has happened(of course, two months is way to long for nothing to happen at all). I'll just pick some which I feel is more tell-worthy(does this word even exist?). Oh, apologies to for the very heavy media on my page which makes loading so slow. I'll remove most of them, they aren't really good anyway. Erm, well, guess thats all for my babbling for now. I'll update my blog on Run for Peace soon(hopefully, it's from way too long ago).

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