Friday, March 23, 2012

I'm still a kid?

So, how long has it been since I last blogged? Seems like it has been quite long. Anyway, had a provoking thought today while attending developmental psychology class. Descriptions of a child's growth, particularly the cognitive part.... somehow makes me wonder.... have I passed that stage and move on to the next? Then, I started pondering. These years, what have I gone through, what done, how did I handle stuff etc. Then, somehow, I feel as if I'm stuck at around 4 years old, psychologically. I act like a 4 years old kid. How? These are briefly some that we learnt in class: -

1. Kids exhibit egocentrism.
    Kids basically are not mature enough to distinguish between their own perspective and others. For example, shown a board with two different colors on the opposite surface, knowing that the board has two differently colored sides, will still think that the side the person opposite is seeing is the same as the side the kid is seeing. This is more of a physical sense. In other sense, the concept of egocentrism will (I think, I'm not sure) also apply to other aspects. For example me, in a lot of situation, knowing that being different in all sort of way, still expect others to actually know what I feel, what I'm going through, what I like, what I don't, what I experience and eventually get frustrated, angry, unhappy when others don't. I believe this is a form of egocentrism which should have been lost from a child as the child grows.

2. Kids grow up to learn social norms and adjust to fit into the norm
    Kids will grow up knowing that certain behaviour do not fit in the norm. Being emotional and unable to control feelings lead to rejection. Optimism leads to acceptance. Thus, kids grow up learning how to control theirs emotions and reduce on being a drag. I, however, haven't seem to have learnt all these. Spoiled like a kid (not all kids, some kids) I can't actually control my emotion, angry as I like, happy as I like, this leads to rejection from others, and I don't learn that this is due to being out of the norm, but instead I blame others on not understanding me. Sorta like the egocentrism thingy. Just see own perspective of things. No wonder I'm losing friends. No one wants to be friend with a spoiled kid.

Those are some those that we learnt... well, there were more that made me smiled a few times like an idiot in the class when I heard of things that apply to me... can't help but feel pathetic... lol wonder if I'd change after this? Hmm.... God knows....

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