Friday, March 18, 2011

Psychic Power~

What does it feel to have psychic powers? Have anyone thought of that before? I've recently read on this. About people who have psychic power. People who have abilities beyond the five basic senses - the sixth sense. Psychic power comes in many different variation. Of those I've read about were telepathy, precognition, retrocognition and clairvoyant. These few were among the more well quoted psychic ability we've heard. We seldom hear people saying that someone had just performed telekinesis or pyrokinesis. Why is this so? Perhaps this is because these psychic power are mere bluff. Perhaps, not necessarily so. Notice that telepathy, precognition, retrocognition and clairvoyant are similar in one sense - they involve merely the mind. They claimed that they see, or they hear, or they perceive an occurance. However, how do we know if they really do perceive. Maybe they knew that something was going to happen because they are somehow involved in it. Maybe they were actually cooperating with the other person who they claimed to be able to read the thoughts. When something happens, some claimed to have seen it before it happened. How do we know they are telling the truth? In contrast, telekinesis and pyrokinesis is less heard of because they both involve something in the present i.e. moving something or controling flame respectively at the exact moment they evoke their psychic power. They can't say I moved the table last night could they? That is hard to believe. It happened last night and we don't see it being moved now. Psychic power is a mystery. Whether or not it is real, that is still unknown (at least to me, lol). Well, guess that's all for this post XP I'm just posting up weir stuff so that the blog doesn't go not updated for too long.

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