Monday, March 7, 2011

Busy weekend~

Well, hello again earthlings~~

Seems like it has been years since I last visited earth~

Doesn't seems like much had changed XD

Anyway, last weekend was a busy weekend for me~

I had tutorials to do~ OMHG! Biostatistics is soooooo hard~ I keep on switching my treatment and blocks.... Hate making mistake XC....(mind you, I hate making mistake, not hate the course although I do feel a kind of unhappiness with the people who discovered it lol)

Saturday, I washed my clothes~ Using the Washing Machine! I don't wash with hands, too lazy~ XD but... but... T.T... I forgot to remove my student card from my trousers' pocket.... so... so... XC it broke into two halves.... alien.... how did I manage to make such silly mistakes.... Hate mistakes.... well, human beings make mistakes but I'm not a human being, I'm an ALIEN!!!! Wait, did I say that out loud? I guess not, so no one should know I'm an ALIEN. Mwahahahaha! World domination!

Sunday, "bolos campeonato caridad" i.e. Bowling Championship for Charity.... I attended not to play but to help out... well, that's the plan.... but... I end up doing nothing but wander around doing basically nothing.... DX I'm so useless.... still not used to earthlings lifestyle..... Well, I did get some souveniers from the event... a few bottles of Shokubutsu body shower~ lol What a souvenier for a bowling event~ XD I'm not complaining, I got something for doing nothing....DX Feels guilty...

Well, sounds like not busy huh? Anyway, this week, I'll have approximately 4 more tutorials to do... 2 for calculus... I don't really mind, calculus is actually more fun than I thought it would be XD Then there is Inorganic chemistry to be done by Friday.... OMHG, FRIDAY! Gotta rush.... By the end of the week, I'll probably receive Tutorial for Biostat again.... It better be easier than the last... The last was too hard T.T

So, by this, I gotta leave, to quickly finish all the works... or maybe slack off a bit by playing games or go to facebook first XD


  1. HAHAHAHAHA so now you're an alien and I'm a gay. Things keep getting more interesting huh. XD

  2. OMG! Identity uncovered! Mayday! Calling HQ to request assistance! World Domination should start now! ... ... ... =.=" Communication machine broke down... NO!!!!
