Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Light vs Darkness

Everyone refer to light as the good and darkness as it opposing. However, I think it depends on our point of view.

I'm showered with a bright light,
The light of hope,
It soothes my feeling,
It makes me feel like I can reach anything,
I feel overwhelming confidence,
I can just go nearer to the source of the light,
That way, it will be even brighter,
The brightness,
The light,
It feels so great,
I'll keep going on,
But oh,...

The light had blind my eyes,
I trusted it too much,
Unbeknownst to me,
There was a pit in front,
I can't see it because it was too bright,
I fell right in,
And see the light starts to get further away from me,
It starts to get dimmer,
It's leaving me,
Now my life is in darkness,
I'm lost in darkness,
I'm in uncertainty,
But then,...

I hear a voice in me,
In the blinding light earlier,
I was lost as well,
I can't see any better than now,
But in this darkness,
I'll just have to wait a while,
Let my eyes adjust,
Then with faith,
Take the first step,
Proceed slowly with caution,
And start to wonder,
Why wasn't I cautious in the light,
It seemed like I was overconfident,
The light gave me false hope,
I should have been cautious,
Then I won't have fall in here,

If that didn't happened,
I won't be realising this,
I won't even know how much familiar,
Darkness and light,
They are are like siblings,
Both makes us lost in uncertainty,
But we trusted light,
We follow it blindly,
As for darkness,
We despise it,
While in actual,
We are not that lost in darkness,
Our eyes can adjust,
We can still see,
Though not too well,
But it's better then none,
And then,...

As I walked on in the pitch dark pit,
I see light shine through,
I'm now wary,
Should I proceed towards it?
Guess I should,
But this time,
I'll be more cautious,
I slowly reach for it,
And as I reached it,
I saw an opening,
I had to break the walls off,
And in the end,
Behind the wall,
I saw the most beautiful sight,
A place like heaven,
Fountain in the background,
Birds singing,
Colourful flowers,
Fresh air,
It was paradise.

It wasn't too bright,
Nor was it too dark,
It was a reunion of siblings,
Of light and dark,
A harmony...

Lights often become an obsession, while darkness being repelled. Yet this two must be in harmony just like our body, mind and soul are. We can't blindly follow the light and repel the dark. In every brightness there is danger and in every darkness opportunity. We had to be very observant. No matter dark or light, we have both threats and opportunities. We are the one who decide on what to do when facing them. Many people thrist for hope, while in actual, faith is a greater force getting us moving on. Oh, don't make a mistake here people, I don't have hope nor faith yet. I'm just pondering right now. haha

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