Saturday, September 4, 2010

Going back~

I'm leaving USM to go back home tonight. Of course, I won't reach home tonight. I'll be home tommorrow. Anyway, tonight, I'll meet my parents and stay a night in our neighbouring state before returning home.

Now, I'm tidying my dorm. I think I shouldn't leave it messy and dusty before leaving. Eventhought when I come back here later, it will be very dusty, but if I don't tidy it up, it will be even worse later.

Later, I'll have to find a bus to get to the airport. I could actually ask my friends for help. However, I really do hope I can do something on my own once in a blue moon. I've always been dependant on others. I'd like to feel independence too. Hopefully, everything goes well later.

Oh, I'm really thankful to the aunt who sell food here in Bakti. She let me have a free "tapau" to eat later in the evening before I leave. So, nice. Maybe since I'm a regular customer (maybe too regular).

Suddenly feel like I don't want to leave this room. I've been staying here for two months. It feels like home, except it's a shared one. Hahaha. Oh, should continue tidying. Haha. My flight is around 9, have to be there around 7 and thus need to go find bus by 5 (is that too early?) Anyway~

GOODBYE USM! I'll be back in two weeks time. =P

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