Friday, August 27, 2010


Long time no blog! Hahaha! Last Thursday, I had an oral for LKM 400. It was a malay oral. The night before the test, I was playing games! Wahaha~ I played games as I tried to remember my points. On thursday, I was worried that I'll forget the points. Hahaha, played too much games the night before. Anyway, reached there and OMHG everyone else brings paper in case they forget their points. I should have too( or maybe not). I had to go up and speak without refering to any papers. I was very worried that things go wrong. There were many times that I panic but I tried to keep a straight face so as not too make my presentation look odd. Once, I realide my walking in an odd way, i.e. walking somehow sideways backward instead of frontward. I panic but pretend I didn't notice and continue on with the sideward walking. Hahahaha. Then, I forgot what I wanted to say. It was suppoded to be "batu hikmah dan batu berhala" but I forgot the last part. I said "batu hikmah dan batu..." I panic but pretend to be calm and continued "...-batu lain yang...." Hahahaha. So, silly. Then, there were many times whereby I looked at the teacher, he looked very seriously back at me. I panic! He's seldom that serious. Anyway, again, pretend to be calm. My heart almost failed. Hahaha. But the result was.... FANTASTIC!!! The teacher said my presentation was good. My malay language is great. He hope I can score well for other sections of LKM 400 since the oral was already so great. I'm so HAPPY!!! YEAH!!!


  1. Thanks anonymous whoever you might be~ Care to reveal your hidden identity? Hahaha~ Sorry, I'm a bit crazy in the net not like the real me.
