Saturday, August 21, 2010

Friends of Tasik Harapan confirmed~

I've went to the activity! Haha~ Throw mudballs into the lake everyone!! The spill the EM into the lake too~ (It feels like dirtying the lake instead of cleaning it. Maybe that's why there were a lot of people there) After that, mud ball making~ Let us roll the mud into a ball~ Like making "Kuih Makmur"(I call it "Kuih More". I used to like it cause it is sweet~ But sweet doesn't fits me anymore). Hands all dirty. Many people left during mud ball making. They probably just came to throw the balls and spill the EM into the lake. It somehow feels like it is "legal" rubbish dumping into the river. Hahahaha. Well, the organiser later said that making the mud balls will actually make your skin nicer because of the EM. I wonder if more people will stay behind to make the mud balls if they knew that. hahaha. Anyway, I'm hungry... Didn't have breakfast cause wake up late then rush to Hope Lake. Now back from there, wash clothes(the machine does that =P) and socks(I did this>.<). Anyway, gonna go eat now~ Bye Earthlings~ Mwahaha~

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