Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Life is full of mysteries huh?

Well, like the title said, life is a mystery. Today you are happy, tomorrow you are sad. Today living, tomorrow dead. Today smilling, tomorrow frown. Today, Tomorrow... Life is such a mystery. Just yesterday we're happily being together, today it is time to say goodbye. Just before this, reluctant to talk to one another, now reluctant to let go. Life is indeed mysterious. Yesterday we were eager to meet one another, today we are busy avoiding one another. Life is mysterious. Yesterday we say yes, tomorrow we say no. Once we were like zig-zags crossing each others' life so often, now we're like parallel lines, no longer meeting. Mysterious... That's how life would be... Without mystery, life would be too boring, too dull is it? Haha~ Maybe, but when the mysteries are revealed one by one, maybe the thrill is lost. It isn't much too exciting, or should I say too exciting. Too exciting it become unbearable. I like mystery... But I have high blood pressure... Thought still at very low stage... But with so much mysteries going on, the excitement might kill me... Hahahaha~ Blood pressure might just shoot up through the top and splash, blood flow like fountain out of the head.... lol~ Hope this post isn't too scary that it should be posted as 18??(what was the code again?)hahahah~ Once I used to want more, more and more. Now I'm scared of getting so much. Go, please go, leave me, let me be on my own. Human nature huh? Never satisfied. When lacking, we ask, when given, we declined. haha~ humans... I'm so much more a human than I think lol. To think that I had a heart of ice, now it has melt, maybe even evaporated. Haha. Heartless is it? Mysterious life could make mysterious changes on people. Being a human makes me wonder why was I here in the 1st place. Maybe some people never wonder why they existed in the 1st place. I do wonder. And I wonder if I had done what I'm supposed to do here on earth. Or has I actually do the opposite. Haha. Very hard to understand? No need to understand. I'm just mumbling to myself. Sigh~ I feel such a lot of burden. Thinking that it will be lift off one day. Waiting longer, it just gets heavier. Silly me. Doing nothing isn't going to lift the burden. Better put a tractor on the shoulder (increasing the burden even more XC) to take off all the burden. Once the burdens have been lifted, maybe I can throw away the tractor, or maybe the tractor will be yet another burden? Haha. Life is so mysterious. I just don't understand. Things can be so much a mystery. I really wonder if I'm just like a movie character, someone out there watching me going through these mysteries and laugh at how I can't solve the mystery.

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