Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Community Service~

OMHG! I left the blog for quite a long time, didn't I? Sorry~ hehe(scratch head)

Well, updates coming up! On the 3rd of October, I went to Kpg. Melayu on a community service trip~ A day before that, we went to prepare some of the things required. On that particular day(2nd of Oct), I was wondering if it is going to be just another boring day. Well, surprise surprise~ It wasn't too bad afterall(except that I was passive and often left alone).

So, some of the pictures taken on that 3rd of Oct. Sorry, no picture of us cleaning cause I was busy cleaning, no time for photo taking.

Photo of the hall

Photo of activity 1 (Continuous speech)
The 1st member will say one and only one word. The next member will continue with yet another word. This will continue on. The words said must be linked into a story. Eg. 1st say "Today" 2nd say "is" 3rd say "Sunday" - Today is Sunday. Each member was to continue as soon as possible. Whenever there is a pause, they are considered lose.

Activity 2 (I wanna sit!)
No pictures here since I'm playing this one. In this activity, there are 10 chairs and 10 person playing. 1 person will be the Monster(Arr!!) while the other 9 is humans. The aim of the game is to prevent the Monster(Arrrr!!!) - Quiet!! Ahem.. to prevent the Monst...(glare) from getting a sit. This means that we, humans have to shift where we were sitting so that whenever the Monster(Arrr!!) tries to get a seat, it can't.

Photo of activity 3 (Wolf catching chicks)
I guess everyone knows this game. A wolf will try to catch some chicks(not those beautiful looking chicks although there are some) while the Mum and Dad will try to protect their Chicks. Oww~~ Look at those cute kids~

There are some videos taken too in actual but... go to my Facebook if you wanna see~ =P

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