Friday, August 6, 2010

The urge...

I said to post tomorrow... But the urge to blog right this instant is too strong. Therefore, here I am again to complain.... Complains..... I have lots to complain.... But let's try not to complain too much... So, 1st would be oral presentation.... WHY! Why should both Malay and English test be held at approximately the same time? This is crazy!!! I can't memories two speeches in one go. My nervousness + shyness + lack of confidence are already a disadvantage when it comes to oral. Now this! OMHG! I'm gonna have a hard time doing these. I hope I don't get too low a mark. I don't want to hurt my CGPA.... 2nd would be to repeat... WHY! Why can't I blog the past few days? What went wrong? Geez, I'm so nervous and yet there is no outlet to vent them out. 3rd would be to complain about myself...WHY! Why am I so useless...T,T... I can't do anything well. I'm always too shy and afraid... I am the leader of a group but I didn't dare to ask for my group members phone number. Now, how am I gonna get in touch with them....? Then, a senior posted on facebook on learning soft skill and communication skill. I definitely need that, but I'm scared of going...T,T...I'm really useless!! USELESS! T,T... Haiz.... 4th is to complain about myself too... WHY! Why am I so undecisive? Why can't I make up my mind? Why do I want to follow what others do so much? I'm me. I should do what I want, not follow what others do. Haiz... Guess that's enough of a complain for now...4 is a nice number...hehe~ I like number 4~~ but numerology reveals that my life is not 4 oriented.... Instead it is 9 and 6 oriented. Well, I'll talk about that later. ^^

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