Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Happy Dumpling Festival

Happy Dumpling Festival all. It's the 5th day of the 5th month according to the Lunar Calendar it seems. Haha. I didn't know it's the dumpling festival today actually. A sms from my best friend reminded me. Haha. My family seldom do get busy with it because my mother is too busy - Working every weekdays. Anyway, we did get a few dumplings from my aunt (whom I called dumpling aunt, wakaka, she doesn't know that, shh~). Since I myself never really remember the story behind this festival, I decided to look it up from the net and this is what I found: Duan Wu Jie ie. Rice Dumpling Festival is celebrated to pay respect for a patriotic poet, Qu Yuan. This man was an important minister back in Chu Kingdom. Once, the emporer didn't heed his advice and end up dead. Sad and angry at the corrupted, dying Kingdom, Qu Yuan tied himself to a big rock and threw himself into the River of Puo Luo. The people then made rice dumplings wrapped in bamboo leaves and threw them into the river believing that this would stop the fish from eating Qu Yuan's body. Some would even row down stream in a boat, beating drums and shouting out loud in the hope to scare the fish away (it was believed that it is how the Dragon Boat event is related to the festival. This data was obtained from If anyone wanna find anything about food, go there. Haha. It's actually my 1st time visiting that site too. Oh, there are recipes there. Haha, who's interested can get new recipes~

1 comment:

  1. Nice. I would also recommend and for more other great food recipe reference.
